Orro Website
Development Process
I worked with the CEO who was also our Product owner (Colin wore multiple hats in the company just like everyone else!) to come up with a content model for a configurable CMS (content management system) so the content could be updated by the Product owner or the Marketing team without requiring code changes after the core website had been deployed.
An API-first (headless) CMS was used for this project which allowed designing our own data models (granular, complex and nested models) for the content and allowed for programmatic flexibility over the content - much like a database would provide with the added benefit of a friendly UI for content management.
Why we built this
To showcase our product and sell it directly to consumers. The website went live at the same time as Orro launched the product.
My Role
Project Driver
Sole Developer
Tech Stack
Language & libraries: JavaScript | React
Static Generator: Gatsby
CMS: Contentful
Cloud: AWS S3 | Cloudfront
Constraints & Challenges:
The process for designing these models was similar to software development - we iterated a lot.
The CMS platform provided more flexibility than a relational or a non-relational database and was a new kind of challenge where the unlimited options led to decision paralysis in the beginning and I had to just jump in, knowing the structuring of the models and the content mapping might take a few iterations and rework.